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SG  |  SKU: 50

SG Sunny Gold® Finest English Willow grade 1 Cricket Bat (Leather Ball)

Rs. 28,050.00 Rs. 32,999.00
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  • Finest English Willow hard pressed & traditionally shaped for superb stroke
  • Approx 6-7 straight grains
  • Imported cane handle with special formulation cork inserts for enhanced flexibility and shock absorption
  • Traditional round cane handle for superior grip and bat control
  • Approx 1160-1200 gm (2.9-2.11 lbs)
  • Full size length approx 85.7 cm (33.7 inches)
  • Depending on player height, suitable for 15 yrs+, if height 171 cms (5’6″ and above)
  • Available sizes – SH
  • Tested for usage against leather ball
  • Comes with a Padded full-length bat cover with adjustable carry-straps

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